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2019年12月28日 星期六

【畢業生訪談】會計審計員Webber 宿霧MERISE遊學經驗談

【畢業生訪談】會計審計員Webber 宿霧MERISE遊學經驗談


MeRISE: What’s your previous job? 你最近的職業是什麼?

I am an auditor.


MeRISE: Are you using English when you’re at work? 你之前在工作中會使用到英語嗎?

Yes, I am planning to find a job in global company.


MeRISE: Why did you choose to go to the Filipino Language School? 為什麼你會選擇到菲律賓的語言學校學英語

I have been to English academy in England, compare with the price、courses and time, Philippines is better. The price is cheaper, courses are customized. Also there are group classes to have the opportunity to interact with foreigners.


MeRISE: Why do you choose to study at MeRISE English Academy? 為什麼你會選擇到MeRISE學英語

We have done prior research about English academy which in Philippines. Although there are more than 30 English academies, MeRISE is the only among few academies which has professional、complete and customize in Business English and able to do a presentation in front of students and teachers.

我們事先研究了很多菲律賓的語言學校。 儘管語言學校有30多個,但MeRISE是少數幾個具有專業,完善和客製化的商務英語為取向的學校,而且能夠在學生和老師面前做實際的報告演練及操作。

MeRISE: How was your study in the Philippines? 你在菲律賓的學習過程如何?

I learned the 7 points of business techniques that is useful and helpful, make me feel confident and able to deal in pragmatic situation even I haven’t been on the battle before.


MeRISE: Have you studied English before? 你之前有學習過英語嗎?

Yes, I was learning English at school in Taiwan and English Academy in England.


MeRISE: What has changed yourself compare to before? 來到MeRISE學習後,你覺得自己有什麼改變嗎?

Compared to before, I realized that I got the big progress of oral and writing skills in English. In MeRISE, I have 5 man to man classes in one day, whether it’s listening、speaking、reading and writing or any subject in here, we all have to do conversation and discussion for my learning. On the other hand, aside from the accumulation and practice in classes and impromptu in class test, the pre-communication with travel agency on weekend that definitely level-up my English ability.


MeRISE: Did you enjoy your weekends in Cebu? 你享受自己在宿霧的假日期間嗎?

Absolutely! I am a person who is good at swimming. So, we went to island hopping and scuba diving every single weekend. Under my impression, the most interesting and exciting activity is right on the Kawasan falls in Cebu. We jumped out from cliff into the water, started from highest to lowest, we have been done every single point. The moment before you jump, the time you get through, when you jump off, and when you finally fall down, that is totally fantastic! If you ask me “don’t you feel scared?” I will say “everyone jumped, why not?”

當然! 我本身水性就不錯。所以,我們每個週末都去跳島和潛水。在我的印象中,在宿霧的卡哇山瀑布是最有趣、最刺激的一次!我們從懸崖跳入水中,從最高點到最低點,每個點我們都跳過。起跳前的瞬間、在空中的時間以及最後終於落入水中,感覺真的很棒!若你問我難道不會害怕嗎?我會說,每個人都跳了,為什麼不體驗?

MeRISE: Do you think your English ability has already improved through this study abroad? 你認為在菲律賓遊學的經驗有讓自己的英語能力改善嗎?

Now, I have full confidence to speak loud in English. Because, I encountered some Europeans when I traveled in Philippines and I can able to communicate with them!


MeRISE: How do you keep your English competence in the future? 未來你打算如何維持自己的英語能力呢?

I will work at the international company to keep going and use it when I come back to Taiwan. Also I hope that I can have an opportunity to get online tutoring from MeRISE.


MeRISE: Do you have any plans after study abroad? 這趟國外遊學結束後,有任何計畫嗎?

I have to go back to Taiwan and take a rest for a while after then, I will look for a job in international company.


MeRISE: Finally, I would like you to leave a message to those who are going to study at MeRISE. 最後,請你對即將來到MeRISE遊學的同學說一些話吧!

If you also have a willingness to travel in the Philippines and study in MeRISE, please do the comprehensive research, because there are some factors that will impact your trip. Unfortunately, things such as typhoon, rainy season and sometimes the nature of Filipinos that is slow but doing things well, can be delay your schedule. On the other side, please have an open communication with your co-teacher over and over again until you find your learning style of English that is completely fine and customize course is the special point in MeRISE, so you can choose what you want to learn!


2019年12月1日 星期日

【畢業生訪談】工程師Jamal 宿霧MeRISE遊學經驗談

【畢業生訪談】工程師Jamal 宿霧MeRISE遊學經驗談


9 間學校
3000 名畢業生
90 %滿意度





Corner of M.P. Yap Street and Junan Osmenia Street, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu



+63 92-2399-7752